For more than 6 decades, the skilled thinkers, makers, and doers at Frontgrade have embraced our mission to solve complex technology challenges across the U.S. and around the globe.
As the largest provider of analog and radiation-hardened electronics for the aerospace, defense, and medical industries, we offer a broad portfolio of off-the-shelf and customizable radiofrequency, microwave, and high-reliability microelectronic products and subsystems — as well as complete solutions across the signal chain, from aperture to digital conversion.
From inception and development engineering to full-rate production and sustainment, we stay in lockstep with you throughout your program lifecycle.
At Frontgrade, we don’t succeed unless your mission succeeds.
DID YOU KNOW? Frontgrade solutions have supported every manned space flight since Apollo 11 in 1969.
Quality & Reliability, Above All Else
Our heritage of creating trusted, assured solutions that simply cannot fail has made us a recognized leader in our industry.

Purpose-Driven Proliferation
We protect the ultimate high ground responsibly with solutions that are curated to fit the challenges and budgets at hand.

Our Guiding Principles
We maintain high ethical standards across every business touchpoint — and we empower team members and provide them with the infrastructure to always do the right thing in the right way.

New at Frontgrade
Learn about our evolving tech advancements & new business developments.