
Frontgrade Aethercomm RF Switches span the frequency range of 10 MHz to 18 GHz and are available with absorptive or reflective inputs.

Frontgrade Aethercomm PIN Diode Switches are available in a wide variety of standard frequency ranges from cost-effective narrowband to high performance broadband. Our switches incorporate a TTL-compatible driver for convenient system integration and operates from +5 and -12V to -18V DC power supplies. They incorporate DC blocks. Custom configurations are encouraged and available to meet demanding applications where high isolation, low insertion loss, fast switching speed and other specific requirements are needed.

With complete design and test capability to 40 GHz, Frontgrade has the GaAs FET switch design resources to help you develop a new design, build to an existing specification or replace an obsolete component. From commercial to space qualified, we can help. Contact us today to discuss your design and application.

PIN Diode Pin Diode Switches

Frontgrade Aethercomm PIN Diode Switches are available as absorptive or reflective SP1T, SP2T, SP3T, SP4T, SP5T and Transfer Switch, in a wide variety of frequency bands from 10MHz to 18GHz. Our standard PIN diode switches are optimized for low insertion loss and VSWR, high isolation and fast switching speed and incorporate TTL-compatible drivers. All standard switches are available with hermetic seal and high-reliability screening for military and space-qualified applications.


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Link: /product/2451