Magic Tees for Waveguide Systems

As part of our extensive waveguide portfolio, Frontgrade offers a wide range of magic tees and hybrid tees to help add, subtract or divide signals in your designs.

Frontgrade Magic Tees and Hybrids Tees are available for both rectangular and double ridge waveguides. 

For rectangular waveguides, Frontgrade offers a standard product line of isolated four-port magic tees and hybrid power dividers covering waveguide sizes WR-28 thru WR-284. VSWR is maintained at 1.3 nominal and 1.5 maximum while power split is controlled within ±0.3 dB. Isolation is optimized to 30 dB minimum E to H ports and 15 dB minimum between collinear arms.

For double ridge waveguides, Frontgrade Magic Tees or isolated fourport hybrid power dividers cover sizes WRD-180 through WRD-475. VSWR is maintained at 1.40 nominal while power split is controlled within ±0.25 dB. Isolation is optimized to 25 dB typical E to H ports and 15 dB typical between collinear arms.